AD or Arrow Keys to move

Spacebar - Jump


A young sprout, named Drui, has been spawned from a lone dying tree of life; as he woke up, he finds the formerly greenish land, his home, riddled with decay.  It's supposed to be springtime! the most cherished season for the sproutlings, but what's this? what happened to everyone? he asks himself; the young sprout then ventures onto the dying lands as he try to restore the lands and most importantly, to  find the culprit that plagued the lands with decay and make him pay for the destruction that he had caused. 


A really short adventure!

[It's my first jam! ^^ , I started to work on it really late and ran out of time QAQ , so yeah , a lot of bugs and unpolished stuff in one package! try to enjoy this buggy mess hahaha.  I'll try to work on it after the jam on my free time]


[OpenGameArt] Blarget2 and ansimuz for the tileset and backdrop [medium - small modifications were made]

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Singleplayer


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This is a great game for your first jam (and especially starting late!) You even have a boss fight and everything, which is super cool!

Would you like some advice, or would you prefer me just to stick to compliments? Either way, this is a lovely little game - I especially liked the lighting. Drui is also very cute, I love his design!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I had to rush everything, so I'm also truly sorry for the clunky boss hahah.

Ooh I would definitely appreciate an advice as well! Thanks again for the compliment and your input!!


I think the biggest thing I'd point out is the camera/viewport - when I was playing I noticed that it followed the player so closely I couldn't see enemies below me when I jumped. Maybe zoom it out a little or make sure you can see both enemies and player at once within the camera view. (The movement was nice, though! Otherwise, a very smooth camera.)

I also noticed a lot of jittering/switching sprites, which sometimes interfered with jumps and movement - you can prevent this with state machines, so my advice would be to do some research on those to avoid this popping up next time! It can really hurt any kind of precise movement, which you generally need in platformers.

Sorry for the delay, Thank you so much for the advice! I really appreciate it, I'll definitely improve the game on my free time! ^^